Mindset drives behaviour. Behaviour drives results.
About Our Process and Results
The Arbinger Institute is a global training and consulting firm that helps individuals, teams and organisations achieve breakthrough results by shifting from the default self-focus we call an inward mindset to the others-inclusive focus of an outward mindset.
Engage with Arbinger’s foundational concepts through our international bestsellers!
Arbinger’s newest book builds on 35 years of work by relating the true and compelling stories of multiple leaders and organisations as they live and apply the powerful principles of an “outward mindset,” then sharing simple yet profound guidance and tools to help readers and their organisations shift to an outward mindset.
With more than two million copies sold, this book shares the story of a man facing challenges on the job and in his family. It exposes the fascinating ways we can blind ourselves to our true motivations and unwittingly sabotage our own efforts to achieve success and happiness, then illuminates profound, even counter intuitive ways to transform our work and relationships.
This book has been #1 on the Amazon Best Sellers list in the War & Peace category and in the top five in the Conflict Resolution & Mediation category for 11 years running. It explores questions like, "What if, in our conflicts with others, there is something we want more than solutions? What if, individually and collectively, we systematically misunderstand the causes of our conflicts? And what if, therefore, we unwittingly perpetuate the very problems we think we are trying to solve?"
Mindset Assessment
Everyone operates somewhere along a continuum from inward to outward. Our position on that continuum profoundly affects our performance, influence and individual effectiveness. Similarly, the collective mindset of an organisation shapes its culture and performance.
We offer two basic Mindset Assessments: Individual and Organisational. Each assessment has 10 questions and can be taken independently or in conjunction with the other. In addition to indicating location along the inward mindset-outward mindset continuum, the results provide additional insight into specific areas of strengths and opportunities. When organisations field this survey widely, they receive detailed insights into employees’ experience and perception of their work.
Although anyone is welcome to take the Mindset Assessments at any time, we strongly recommend taking them at the start of work with Arbinger to set a baseline, then periodically reassessing to gauge progress and adjust efforts as needed.
Upon completion of an assessment, we present an analysis of the findings along with recommendations for steps to take to improve the organisation’s mindset and performance.
TAKE ASSESSMENTImplement Arbinger
Whether you’re interested in individual development, creating a high-performing team, or transforming an organisation, we’d love to work with you. We support you through each step of the change process.
In the contact form, please tell us about your needs, goals and challenges. An Arbinger representative will reach out to you to discuss further.